Saturday, May 08, 2010

On the Road Again

First stop Chicago. Then Milwaukee, followed by Minneapolis and a number of small cities in South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana,  before ending in Seattle/Vancouver. I am hoping to use about two weeks on my mission across the Midwest; I have only booked bus tickets as far as Minneapolis, and will be winging it from there.

As I am not returning to Cincinnati, I have to carry stuff with me that I normally would not bring on a trip like this, such as my fairly heavy laptop. On the plus side, this means that there will be more blogging. As long as there is internet access in the Midwest.

Pauline, a French exchange student from NKU, is joining me on the first leg of the trip. We are currently on the bus to Chicago, where a fellow traveller was kind enough to lend me his wireless internet device, as Megabus’ network is down.


Vasos said...

Fantastik!! Deg er a compulsive traveller indeed. Det er blA sky i Brisbane i dag. Jeg vil gjerne reiser med Hege i midwest of USA. You must keep blogging with these fascinating photos. Kyss.

AnneGro said...

God tur videre:) Jeg for min del er utmattet av reising etter en helg i Paris:)hilsen mamma