Tuesday, August 29, 2006

How to leave a comment/kossen legga igjen ein kommentar

If you know how to leave a comment there's no need to read this.
Hvis du vett kossen du ska legga igjen ein kommentar kan du glatt skippa dette.

Ok, to leave a comment click on the word comments under the posts. A new window will now appear. Write your message and choose an identity, other is the best option. You don't have to register if you choose other or the anonymous option. Then click on Publish your comment and your comment will appear soon. Good luck people.

For å legga igjen ein kommentar klikk å orde comments unna de forskjellige postane. Et nytt vindu komme nå te syne. Skriv inn ka du måtte ønska og velg ein identitet, other (andre) e det besta alternative. Du trenge isje registrera deg viss du velge other eller anonymous. Klikk så på Publish your comment og kommentaren din vil snart dukka opp blant de andre. Lykke te.

Monday, August 28, 2006

"Man cannot live on chocolate alone; but women sure can."

- At least according to the hot chocolate brand I'm drinking now. It's pouring down outside and we even had a bit of thunder. Since it's getting dark soon the chance of me having to go outside is quite slim, so I guess it's sort of cozy to be inside snuggled up under my blanket. Hmm... It's really raining hard. Kind of noisy. It's good for Queensland, as there's water shortages here (not nearly as bad as I experienced in Cape Town, but apparently it's getting worse).

Went shopping yesterday (Sunday). Jupp, it is possible to shop on Sundays in this amazing country. Very practical. Sundays in Norway can be pretty boring when everything is closed. This is just my opinion of course, know some of you (not mentioning any names) love these days as you can ski, hike and do pretty much all kinds of nature stuff.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Exams, ants and possums

*I just wrote a long post and then managed to delete it, feeling rather angry about that. But as the determined and devoted person I am I'll give it another go. Just wanted you to know how much effort and frustration this post took me.*

Quite glad it's weekend.
Handed in my first assignment and had my first exam last week. Don't think I did too well, but at least I'm pretty sure I didn't fail any of them. My exam was multiple choice, but I had some difficulties understanding all the words they used. Afterwards someone told me that international students can bring a dictionary to exams, so now I know that.

The weather is getting "better", or maybe the correct term would warmer as most days are sunny. Was 27 C yesterday, which I must say is quite good for winter. Definitely my type of winter, no offense snow-lovers.

We're under attack at the moment. Apparently the ants like the wood in our kitchen walls and seem pretty determined to start a colony in the corner above the fridge. The Germans have declared war, but unfortunately it looks like they're loosing. I really want a house pet, but this was not quite what I had in mind.

What I would like though is a possum. They're so cute and I really want one (no shock). Saw a couple last night walking home. Pics are not too good, but it gives you an impression. It's like a crossing between a squirrel and a cat. åååå...

Saturday, August 19, 2006


De franske i huse trodde de såg ein slange unna ein busk i hagen imorges, någe så førte te stor oppmerksomhet. Itte store anstrengelser med ein kost for å dytta slangen fram viste d seg (heldigvis) at det bare va ei store firfisla. Åååå, så søtt... Så nå bor an unna verandaen vår=)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Random pics

A couple of pics from the house I'm living in. Sharing a house with six other poeple (4 Germans and 2 French).

My room... Interesting, hey?

The living room...

Da pool=)

At an AFL game, Australia's own sport thingy... Can't really explain it, guess it's sort of close to rugby. Cool game...

Some of you might be interested in the fact that Veolia is one of the Brisbane Lions sponsors...


Flinke meg har endelig klart å somla seg te å laga ein blogg. For de så isje har fått d me seg ennå befinne eg meg i Australia, nærmere bestemt Brisbane. Studere journalistikk her og planen e å ta bacheloren her. Vært her i litt øve ein måned nå, og alt e generelt sett ganske bra. Legge ud ein del bilder nå, siden der e ein del folk så har mast itte det. Någen så føle seg trufne??

Hey guys...
Been in Australia for a month now, having a good time. Studying journalism here.