Friday, March 06, 2009

Hege the Fearless Kayaker

I went kayaking. In a murky river. Got stuck in branches. Got wet. Hurt my wrists. But it was actually kind of fun.

I have wanted to try kayaking since I was in New Zealand and was exposed to their numerous kayaking ads, but it turned out to be an expensive activity with prices as high as 60 dollars (300 kr) an hour. But then I had the bright idea to check if the university had a kayaking club, which it turned out they had.

Their yearly fee is a 100 dollars, which gives unlimited use of their kayaks and participation in club activities. As long as you can prove you can use a kayak you can take one at any time to go paddling in the Brisbane River or even take it to the coast for the weekend.

Vas and I have not actually joined yet, we just went for a free tryout, but I guess we will.


Anonymous said...

it was very fun. fun for all ages!!

AnneGro said...

tøft:) Atle og meg har meldt oss på kajakkurs i mai. Kanskje dette kan bli den familieferien:)

Anonymous said...

Du passer deg vel for krokodillene,Hege.Du er tøff som prøver nye ting.Ser moderen vil gjøre det samme.Du har nok modige gener i deg.Nå mener jeg ikke akkurat mine,da.he he.mormor.

Anonymous said...

Mormor er raskere enn meg. Syntes jeg hadde funnet på noe smart å skriv nemlig beware of sharks( håper det var rett skrevet). farfar snakker og om kajakk på hytta. ellers er du invitert til Viktors konf 25.april, men det blir vel i lengste laget! Klem farmor