Friday, March 20, 2009

Skippy the Bush Kangaroo

Skippy, Skippy
Skippy the Bush Kangaroo
Skippy, Skippy
Skippy, our friend ever true.

They are cute and adorable, but kangaroos are also seen as a pest in Australia. It is therefore possible to hunt a small number of the large-sized species, which exist in high numbers. The meat has traditionally been eaten by Aboriginals, but it is only in later years the average Australian supermarket has started to stock it. With only 2 per cent fat it is considered a healthy choice and it is also cheaper than other meats.

Vas and I have eaten Skippy meat twice, first mince and then later a herb and garlic steak.

The mince had a bit of a fishy taste, which was a bit weird, but it was definitely edible. I prefer beef mince though.

The herb and garlic steak was more of a success with no fishy taste and surprisingly tender meat.


AnneGro said...

He he, gode barndomsminner om Skippy ga ikke en umiddelbar sultfølelse.

Anonymous said...

Ikke spis Skippy!!! :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

Så du og Vas koser dere med en kengurumiddag.Det smaker vel godt da.Hørtes ikke så fristende ut.Håper du får pakken til påske.Der er det mye godt snadder.Klem fra mormor.