I love tradition and I get slightly hysteric when things are not as they always have been. For instance, the table cloth on our national holiday, the 17th of May, HAS to be blue. Another colour would simply be wrong. Yes, we all have issues.
So I decided to celebrate Fastelav and teach these ignorant Aussies about this wonderful day. First of all I needed the ingredients for Fastelavns buns. That was quite a mission. With no one at home I had to walk to the shop. In pouring rain I struggled (okay, it might have been a drizzle, but my flip flops got wet and slippery and it was sort of hard to walk). But I did get there and after an hour of searching I had located flour, sugar, milk and feathers! Very proud of myself I started the journey home.
Baking was no drama. I love spending time in the kitchen. The next part of the preparations included finding some sort of branches to stick my feathers on. I went into the garden; not without fear. It's been weeks since the grass has been cut and my vivid imagination pictured all sorts of dangerous animals just waiting for an opportunity to attack. I found a nice little tree to break some branches off, but after a bit of thinking I decided to pick another one. I guess the owner of the house would not be too happy if I destroyed their still very young tree. So I broke some branches off the neighbour's tree instead and attached the feathers.
Everything was now ready, so I forced Liam and Barry to come celebrate with me.
Barry: I'm so happy. I wish it was Fastelavn everyday.
where is tim?
Du imponerer:) Jeg skal kombinere fastelaven med feiring av Marius sin 1.årsdag. Ha en fortsatt god helg. Atle feirer dagen på vei til Hemsedal og skiferie med "ung kirke".
Eg syns han der Barry der ser veldig smakfull ut, eg. Kan eg få ein bit av han?
Skal si du har skjulte talenter!! Bollesøndag med Frida og Anna til klippfiskmiddag. Vinterferie i morgen.Roommatene ser kjekke ut.
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