Thursday, April 08, 2010

Oh Sweet Happiness

An Easter parcel  from my mother arrived today packed with Norwegian sweets, including the popular Freia Easter eggs. However, I am sorry to announce that not all of the eggs made it; there was quite a few causalities and the messy cream filling made it necessary to wash all the other sweets. I am just happy it was  cream and not mackerel oil, which was the case with another package. That one had to be treated like toxic waste.

Also a big Hip Hip Hurray for Vasos who is turning 25 today (Friday), and can now rent a car without the extra insurance fee. Road trip?

In addition to a small amount of sweets, I also got an Easter card from Ingrid. Thank you!

 They will still be eaten, but I guess I cannot exactly give them to others. Oh well, more for me.


AnneGro said...

det var nå bra at ikke alle eggene var helt moste:) måtte ta av litt emballasje for å kunne sende det som brev, men......

Gratulerer med dagen til Vas:) Hvordan skal du feire dagen?