Saturday, April 10, 2010

Go Reds!

I have a new team – the great and mighty Reds, which is Cincinnati’s baseball team. This evening they played the Chicago Cubs, and I was of course there to support and cheer. Well, at least I was there. I did not really pay too much attention, not until the last two innings (yeah, I picked up some jargon) when I have to admit it did get a bit exciting.

I actually wanted to go to this game, despite most people telling me that baseball was boring. And even though I doubt it will ever become a favourite sport of mine, I am glad I got to see a game. It does of course help that we won. I quite like winning. Go Reds!

Hege the devoted baseball fan.

Yegor and William were ecstatic about winning. At least when posing for the camera.

My new team is apparently not that good, so it was a pleasant surprise that they won. Unless you are a Cubs supporter of course.


Vasos said...

some veldig bra photos Hegemou. You look very pretty in that photo (as you always do) the stadiums are so big over there. KYSS

Turid said...

The Cardinals er jo de du må heie på! De vinner faktisk World Cup innimellom.. :)

Unknown said...

A nei du! Eg e sikker pa at the Reds komme te a grusa the Cardinals i ar.

Ellers syns eg det e morsomt at de kalle det world cup, nar det bare e juniten sa e me. Lure pa hvilket land sa vinne i ar liksom...

Men det e jo forsavidt isje nage a lura pa: Go Reds!

Mvh Hege,
selvoppnevnt baseball ekspert.

Anonymous said...

hei Hege moro å følge med på alle opplevelsene dine.Pent bilde, forresten. I dag tok Fredrik toget til Oslo. Skulle på halloi med Stig. Toget kom helt til KR.sand før strømmen forsvant. Så nå sitter han på bussen! Ja,vil du leve farlig ta toget. Vår og aktiviteter i alle hager. Forsinket gratulere til Vas. Hilsen farmor

Maria Tunsberg said...

USA eeeeeeeeee da world...... Eg syns bare eg måtte påpeke det. Følte ikkje du fulgte heilt me på den.