Changing countries every six months, or so, has some interesting side effects. One of them is mail situations, with parcels and letters being lost for months before they finally find their way to wherever I am at the time. Like with a Christmas package from South Africa that I think must have travelled the world before it managed to find its way to my local, Australian post office in late May. Needless to say, the contents were inedible by then.
This week I received a Christmas card from my friend Sally. The card was sent to my address in Denmark in early December. It lingered there till February, when someone was kind enough to gather all my mail and send it to my home address in Norway. In Norway the process stagnated, before the card was again travelling at the beginning of April. As Sally lives in California, the card has basically done a nice little loop. Merry Christmas!
On a completely different note, I was amused to see this video clip on VG of a dog, cat and rat on top of each other. As some of you might remember, I have a photo of the same trio from my trip to San Francisco last year.