Thursday, January 24, 2008

Stock market and hall life

As you probably know the stock market has taken a massive plunge. Two of the girls in my residential hall therefore decided to decorate their door and room with red notes with writing on them symbolising wealth and money. Apparently it is the thing to do if you want to get rich. Could be worth a try. Decorating is in general quite a big thing in the halls. People are especially big on beautifying their doors. Each floor also competes against the other floors about having the best decorations.

Hall life is pretty good and I am so far enjoying it. However, I am glad I am not a local student, as they are required to participate in all kinds of very time-consuming activities in order to be able to live in the hall. It is not uncommon for a sport team, the choir or something similar to meet several times a week for many hours at a time. If you do not participate in enough activities you will be given a warning and if you do not improve you could eventually get kicked out of the hall.

Pictures: two doors on my floor. The first one has the "getting rich" notes on it.


Anonymous said...

hmm...i think i will leave the wealth side to working hard and various investments, although decoration is a great thing to have in a girls dorm. i also luv a bit of competition. This decoration comp. is awesome, i wonder if it could cause pillow fights among certain tenants. look forward to your next then you should have made some money :P


AnneGro said...

ser frem å se din dør:)

Anonymous said...

skikkelig gøy å lese bloggen din nå. Forstod ikke helt det med de lokale, bor ikke de hjemme? Deltar du i kor f.eks? Vårvær i dag sol og rene folkevandring ved fjorden. K er på hytta. Klem f.mor

Unknown said...

Någe lokale bor hjemma, men de fleste bor i Halls. Sånn e d jo forsåvidt i Norge og då. Sjøl om eg hadde studert i Stavanger så hadde eg nok sje bodd hjemma. Eg deltar sje i någe så helst. Disse ekstra aktivitetene tar opp kjempemasse tid og de har møder på de merkeligste tider. For eksempel hadde fotballage nettopp møde fra 12 te 4 - på nattå ein onsdag. De sove aldri disse folkå. Skummelt.