Monday, January 21, 2008

Hong Kong

Today I spent an hour and a half learning my phone number - in Cantonese. I am taking a Cantonese language class designed for exchange students and so far it has been pretty fun. However, Cantonese is a relatively hard language to learn because of its six tones. This means that a change of tone could change the meaning of the word completely. The word "si" therefore has six different meanings depending on how you say it.

The last week and a half has been pretty hectic. Besides completing the tedious registration process with all its paperwork, my time has been spent exploring the island. The university organised two tours this weekend which among other things included a visit to the bird and flower markets, a boat trip in a "Sampan" (a wooden, small boat), beach exploring and a traditional Hong Kong breakfast.

Most people in Hong Kong, except the extremely rich, live in small apartments and it is therefore difficult to raise a pet. Birds are a very popular alternative and this bird market is one of the places to go shopping for one.

On the Sampan. The fishermen use them to get around the harbour. They are not designed for going out to sea.

A part of a nunnery. It is fascinating that you can find a place like this in a big city like Hong Kong. Very calm, quiet and peaceful, but note the high rise buildings in the background.
On Saturday night my buddy, assigned to me from the university, took us out for hotpot. The hotpot is in the middle of the table and the ingredients are placed into the simmering water and cooked at the table. You choose what you want to put in it yourself. We had meatballs, lamb, chicken, beef, vegetables, fish, rice nodules and many other things in ours. I really love this stuff.
From the bottom left: Xi En (on exchange from Melbourne, Lesley (my room mate, on exchange from California) and me. Top left: Cindy (Me and Xi En's buddy) and Michal (Cindy's boyfriend).
The absolutely best dessert place. It has mango as its main ingredients. Does all these fruit drinks and dishes.
* I have gotten all the photos from Lesley. My camera is not quite working at the moment.


Anonymous said...

food looks really yummy!! can't wait to try it. very different to OZ food. hopefully the hectic times are over. those sampan look awesome as well, especially on a nice day they would be great to ride in. miss u heaps.


Unknown said...

Lesley's blog has more photos if anyone is interested.

Anonymous said...

Så kjekt å se lese og se det du legge ut her! Fortsett me deg:)


Anonymous said...

hehe you really like the hui lau shan stuff. can't wait to start planning our trips!

Anonymous said...


Ida her: Savner deg masse! Ser jo kjekt ut å ver på tur å sånt, men maden såg ikkje så goe ut. Må du spise sånt heilt te du komme hjem igjen?

Jone: Her regne det, ha det kjekt. Ska hilsa fra mamma.

Unknown said...

Hehe, der e litt "vanlige" mad å få tag i og. Men det går nok mye i sånn løyen mad ja. De har heldigvis McDonalds i tilfelle du har tenkt deg ein tur=)

AnneGro said...

Kjekt å lese:) og lykke til med språket, høres vanskelig ut.

Kine said...

så kjekt du fikk billetter! Konge.. må bare snakkas når me nerme kverandre... Må jo kanskje finna deg og.. bangkok e jo kje akkuratt lite

Anonymous said...

Kjære Hege.Vi fikk så koselig brev med bilder av dere fra Vas.Hils ham.Mye å lese og fine bilder du lar oss se.Ser ut som du trives.Morfar spør om Kowlon hotell ekstisterer ennå.Han vanket der i sine glansdager.Klem fra mormor.

Unknown said...

Kowlon eksistere ja. Me va der på tur i et naturreservat sist helg=)

Anonymous said...

Opphavet sier stakkars tittitten.
Atle er skakk og blek. Han drar til Rosenborgkamp i morgen.Hilsen Ratticus norvegicus.