Monday, May 07, 2007

Buddha Birth Day Festival

Buddha's birthday was celebrated at South Bank in Brisbane this weekend. Think dragon dancing, Asian food, fireworks and religious rituals. I went there on Sunday afternoon and Vas joined me a couple of hours later. I think half of Brisbane must have been there, at least it felt like it at times - especially when trying to find a park.

One of the things I enjoyed the most was to do the different sacrificing activities. I gave the Buddha a bath by pouring water on his shoulder three times. That was supposed to cleanse my soul. I also put a incense-stick in a pot filled with dirt while I tried to think wise thoughts. And by plinging a bell I got a wish. I also got a little card or a note with some wise words on after each sacrifice. You were supposed to give a small donation at every activity to raise money for the temple.

I watched the dragon dancing and some other performances. The selection of food was awesome, and I ate lots. I also tried out this weird type of ice cream, just have a look at the photo. At the end of the festival there was fireworks.

Today, Monday 6 May, is a public holiday. Queensland's Labour Day always falls on the first Monday in May.
Bjellå eg plingte i for å få et ønske.Her blir Buddha bada.Kjempegode "kuleis".


AnneGro said...

Ha en riktig god fridag. Her har regnet kommet tilbake etter en uke med sol.

Anonymous said...

flotte bilder,hege.du opplever mye i australia.17mai blir nok feiret stort blandt dere norske i varmt vær.her er det 7gr. og pøøsregn.hilsen mormor.

Anonymous said...

greit å lære litt om Budda. Skal lære noen 4.klassinger om buddismenakkurat nå. Ny konfirmasjon ahead-jens denne gang. Jeg skal visst holde tale?????

Anonymous said...

Hi Hege, It looks like real fun!

Anonymous said...

Gratulere med dagen=)


Anonymous said...

Så etter deg i 17.maireportasjer fra Brisbane. Hvor var du? Jeg står over facebook!! Har nok med hotmail og e-post. F.mor

Anonymous said...

hei Hege
takk for livstegn. Kommer det ikke snart flere nyheter? Sol og varme i gamlelandet. Farmor

Anonymous said...

Hege! Oppdatering plz!:P
Savne deg her hjemma.. Keep me øppdejted!


Anonymous said...

Hei Hege.
Det ser ut som du har det kjempe fint, men det er litt rart at du bor sammen med bare gutter. Jeg savner deg, kommer du snart hjem? Jeg trodde du hadde klippet håret ditt, men så leste mamma at du hadde bare hale, jeg liker ikke at folk klipper seg.
Klem fra Ida.