Saturday, August 26, 2006

Exams, ants and possums

*I just wrote a long post and then managed to delete it, feeling rather angry about that. But as the determined and devoted person I am I'll give it another go. Just wanted you to know how much effort and frustration this post took me.*

Quite glad it's weekend.
Handed in my first assignment and had my first exam last week. Don't think I did too well, but at least I'm pretty sure I didn't fail any of them. My exam was multiple choice, but I had some difficulties understanding all the words they used. Afterwards someone told me that international students can bring a dictionary to exams, so now I know that.

The weather is getting "better", or maybe the correct term would warmer as most days are sunny. Was 27 C yesterday, which I must say is quite good for winter. Definitely my type of winter, no offense snow-lovers.

We're under attack at the moment. Apparently the ants like the wood in our kitchen walls and seem pretty determined to start a colony in the corner above the fridge. The Germans have declared war, but unfortunately it looks like they're loosing. I really want a house pet, but this was not quite what I had in mind.

What I would like though is a possum. They're so cute and I really want one (no shock). Saw a couple last night walking home. Pics are not too good, but it gives you an impression. It's like a crossing between a squirrel and a cat. åååå...


Anonymous said...

there so cute! i want one to!...awww

Anonymous said...

Om de der krypå var søte, nja, sikker på at de ikke er farlige og klorer og biter? At de ser søte ut bare for å lokke et uskyldig offer til seg:) Gode bilder forresten.

Anonymous said...

Apropos vinter ja, jeg har kjøpt fargerike ullsokker og vanter til deg beregnet på turister:). Så gled deg til vinteren her oppe. Gi beskjed så kan jeg ha ski, snowboard og alle remedier klare til du kommer. Bare tenk positivt så går det så fint så. hilsen mamma:)

Unknown said...

Hmm... Vinter? Som i norsk vinter? Kanskje d e best å bli kor eg e.

Anonymous said...

Hei, kul blog du har skaffet deg! Ser ut som du trives godt i Australia, kjekt å lese hva du bruker dagene til =)

Unknown said...

Takkar, hørte fra Hanne dokker va i full gang me elevråde. Meget bra=)

Anonymous said...

Maur, dere må kjøpe maurkverk eller noe maurgift, det er allslags kjekt som mauren ikke liker:)eller dvs gift som den tar tilbake til flokken sin:) De kan gjøre skade!

Anonymous said...

hey!how are you?thanks4sending me your blog address, so now we can stay in touch more often!
you look so happy in AUS that i must im happy4you hege!
just wanna wish you all the best for your studies there...but you must also enjoy the whole experience!(just like you did in south africa!)
warm regards from argentina!

Unknown said...

Good to hear from you. You're one of those that are "never" online... He he. Time differences sucks. So what's happening in Argentina?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hege,
I did not know you are in Auzzieland. Anyway enjoy it. I wish i would be finish with school as well and could start studying overseas. Why is Germany the only country which as got 13 school years. By the way it was so great reading some Norwegian again, coz i do understand what you are saying. Not every word but get the contents.
Love you lots and miss you stax!!! Hannah

Anonymous said...

Hei Hege
Søndagskveld i Åsveien med pizza og stearinlys. Mor din og brødrene Førsvoll har vært på fotballkamp for å se Viking tape. Derfor griner himmelen også og det bare øser ned. Maria er på jobb på ungdomshjemmet og kommer her og henter meg. ''Du er dypt savnet her og vi gleder oss til du kommer på sommerferie i november.

Nå kommer pizzaen. Besøkgjerne vår blogg også:

Hilsen "tante" Inger

Anonymous said...

Old granny here!
Misunner deg sol og sommer. Her er øs pøs, men aldri så galt osv. Strømprisene synker. Vi har fått odelsgutten hjem for en periode og det er hyggelig med litt liv i huset. Kos deg.

Anonymous said...

hei hege.treffer du mange kjekke venner.savner deg hilsen mormor.

Anonymous said...


det må være spennende i Australia. Jeg er overgitt over firfislen og klatredyrene. Jeg har begynt på skolen og har lært meg alfabetet. I helgen har jeg klassens kosedyr med hjem. Det er en sort og hvit ku.

Anonymous said...

Hurra hurra Viking overlevde!

Anonymous said...

Hurra hurra Viking overlevde!