Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Five days in Bangkok

I spent my Chinese New Year's holidays in Bangkok. Met up with Kine, an old class mate from Sandnes Vgs, and three of her friends. When I arrived on Thursday night one of the girls was sick with food poisoning. When we woke up Friday morning yet another girl was sick, so Kine and I took her to the hospital. As the doctor was examining the girl, Kine also started to get sick. At the end of the day three out of the four girls I was supposed to play with were admitted to hospital. They had to stay there for two nights.

The girl that didn't get sick and I also camped out on the couches in their rooms. The hospital in itself was pretty decent, so it was not the worst place to be. I tried to phone two of my other friends that also were in Bangkok at the time to see I if I could join them instead, but it turned out they were in hospital as well as one of them had contracted - guess what - food poisoning! It also belongs to story that I was sick with food poisoning the week before I went to Bangkok. So, I have had enough of food poisoning for a while.

Annelin and Kine

The nurses wanted a picture when we left, so we also used the opportunity to get one=)

Luckily I also got to do a bit of sightseeing. The healthy girl and I went to a very popular, upmarket shopping district one of the days. Also visited a sports park where you could use all the equipment for free and they had aerobics classes. When the others were well again we went and found a place to stay close to the famous backpacker street. Did heaps of cheap shopping at the markets. Bought seven dresses, sun glasses, a bikini, comfy pants and some decorative stuff for 700 kr=)

Safe power lines in Bangkok - fire hazard? Nah...
People using one of the many pieces of sports equipment in the park, it might look like they are playing, but these people are really exercising. They stayed on there for ages.

On Monday three of us went on an organised tour. We did elephant riding, bamboo rafting and walking on a famous bridge that captured soldiers under World War 2 built, but the highlight of the day was definatly a visit to a tiger temple. The Buddhist monks who run the temple took in two wounded tiger cubs in 1998, and have kept on taking in tigers since then. Some of the tigers are eventually returned to the wild. To me the whole thing seemed a little bit cruel to the animals - there were too many people and too much noise and attention for it to be a “recreational place” - but I have admit it was fun petting tigers. All the tigers, except one, were free. They were not chained or restricted in anyway.


AnneGro said...

De så ikke direkte farlige ut der de lå:) minnet litt om den store svarte hjemme:) Flotte bilder. Ha det kjekt.

Anonymous said...

my tiger! my elephant! you look stunning with all the animals, one day babe i will get you your own. Sounds like i must visit Bangkok one day, cheap shopping, gr8 animals. want to!

Unknown said...

Hey, what do you mean your own? Animal? Don't say u have forgotten about my very much beloved CAT.

AnneGro said...

godt den store svarte ikke er på nettet:)

Anonymous said...

no. of course not. mr nusse will always stay. but i thought you might like your own tiger as well.

Jordå rundt 2008 said...

heei;) kom du deg trygt te hongkong? naa i dag har me utforska bangkok og faatt fotmasasje.. va godt! ;) haape me treffe paa deg i vietnam og! hadde vore konge! kleem

Cathrin said...

hehe kanskje en tiger kan ble bra lekekamerat for nusse.... tror kanskje eg såg an en dag på trappå te mor di:D eg bor jo rett neri bakken nå, så d hende at eg kjøre forbi på vei te gamlingane:D

Anonymous said...

Kjære Hege.Ida er på besøk.Vi syns du er tøff som tør klappe tigrene.Du er.kjempesøt på bildene.Fortsett å sende.For noen opplevelser du får ta del i. Klem fra Ida og mormor

minioligo said...

tigers! :D

Unknown said...

Maybe the tiger would have been scared by the roll of floor covering paper like Nusse was this afternoon when I rolled it out :-)

Unknown said...

Lol. Nusse is a brave one. He was probably just pretending to be scared to give you something to laugh at.