Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hallais... What's going on guys? I've basically been busy with uni. The weather has been awful - I've had to use my umbrella more than once during the last two weeks. I know, shocking.

Two weeks ago I went to the Riverfire which is a part of the Brisbane Riverfestival. A week filled with boats, water and fun! No, seriously I'm not quite sure what it was all about, but the Riverfire, which is the opening of the festival, was great. Nice fireworks and the "dump and burn" thingy by the F-111 was cool. Watch the video by clicking on the link if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

paraply, så grusomt, tøft liv:)

Anonymous said...

hege-pege lege me bloggen
men eg e kje så flink te å log in
dog oppdatert e eg
det ser eg
eg fylle me på ka så skjer
sitte her og ler
av alt det løgna du gjørr
nei, det hørres kje ud som någe gørr

Gå og legg deg, Maria!!!