Friday, September 29, 2006


Har hatt ei uga me ferie, mid-semester break. Goe greier d. Har sje gjort någe sånn kjempespess, mye soving egentlig. Vere har vært glitrings, ligge på rundt 27 grader kver dag nå. Einaste va at d pøste og tordna den eine dagen me dro te strandå. Så me tilbragte isje så veldig mye tid der, duppte bare såvidt beinå i vanne før me sprang te bilen igjen. D hørre forresten me te historien at de timane me solskinn den dagen blei tilbragt på et slags bilmuseum. Meeeeget festlig.

Ska i ud i kveld, borsdag imårå og på sundag e d rugby finale, Brisbane - besta lage ever lixom - e så klart me der. De spele isje i Brisbane, men heile byen komme nok te å stoppa opp mens d pågår. Ganske store greier.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Hallais... What's going on guys? I've basically been busy with uni. The weather has been awful - I've had to use my umbrella more than once during the last two weeks. I know, shocking.

Two weeks ago I went to the Riverfire which is a part of the Brisbane Riverfestival. A week filled with boats, water and fun! No, seriously I'm not quite sure what it was all about, but the Riverfire, which is the opening of the festival, was great. Nice fireworks and the "dump and burn" thingy by the F-111 was cool. Watch the video by clicking on the link if you're interested.