Friday, March 26, 2010

One Dollar Ride to Chicago

I am on my way to Chicago, on a one dollar ticket. By booking my tickets in early February I managed to secure a return ticket to Chicago with Megabus for $11.50 - a very decent price for a for a six hour bus ride.

Compared to Greyhound, where a significant amount of the passengers were homeless and a little scary looking, riding with Megabus is more like taking a long-distance coach in Europe. It feels safe, it is clean, and you do not have to worry about anyone stealing your sandwich while you are sleeping. The free wireless, which I am taking advantage of at the moment, is also a great plus.

The only major problem with Megabus is that they do not have that many routes yet. If they did, I would  have been more than happy to backpack across the States with them. Oh, and cup holders would be nice.

Tickets can only be booked at - it is not possible to purchase a ticket on the bus.


Anonymous said...

hei hege du reiser og reiser og opplever mye vi andre bare kan drømme om. Du har ikke besøkt slektninger ennå. Nei det blir vel for langt. Påsken har startet i dag. Til hytta i morgen. Takk for kort med snodige katter. 1.mai har jeg et hageselskap, uka etter står martin konfirmant. reg
ner ikke med deg?? Kjekt å følge deg på bloggen.Påskeklem farmordeasipho

Unknown said...

Nei, eg komme sje hjem foer i august ein gang. Kattene va et stort hoydepunkt :)

Vasos said...

i still cannot believe you paid that fare for a bus trip. it puts my ryanair flights to shame. kjus