Thursday, February 11, 2010

Preparing for Valentine's

I am busy decorating cookies, cutting out hearts and writing cute, little notes. Valentine's is serious business in the States and the campus is booming in red and pink. The student diner had cookie decorating and Cupid bow and arrow shooting on the program today. Everyone mocked my cookie-decorating skills, but at least it made a pretty decent picture.


Vasos said...

it looks lovely, i wish i could see it in person. nobody mocks my Hege. Happy Valentines Day Babe. mwas. xoxo

AnneGro said...

Fin kake, minner litt om nonstoppyntingen hjemme:) Har dere begynt forberedelsene til OL?

Anonymous said...

kommentaren til Vas var søt. Vært på vår daglige skitur på Stokkavannet. Begynner å bli sliten. Kaken så riktig fristende ut. ha en hyggelig dag. hilsen farmor